"God has given us this place and this minute." Zambian Worship Song

Yesterday (Saturday), we took a day off from formal instruction and instead gathered under a tree with a few of our students just to talk. And talk we did, about our families, hobbies, poisonous snakes (this is Africa, after all!), and life. After a time, the talk turned to the future.

"We are concerned about our community," they said. Yes, we have been given this good instruction, but what if we were to be transferred by our denomination?"

What came next was quite a surprise, a very pleasant surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.

"We want to establish a training center for our entire area so that what you have taught us will be multiplied. Then, if we leave, well trained leaders will be in place. Would you help us?"

This is our vision coming to life in the lives of these amazing men and women. We are very excited for them, and look forward to adding value to their work in the future. We challenged them to have a preliminary plan ready for us to look at when we return to teach church planting in August. And we urged them to focus on the training and curriculum, not a building or supplies. And, not to be afraid to start small. As Percy said, "Resources follow vision."

Our first five days of training under a tree have been incredibly fruitful. The students have been eager, as usual, and the discussions have gotten down to real life at home and in the church. This is why we love coming back to a class at least three times over two or three years. It builds trust, which is so essential to transformational learning!

Rain has come, and with it relief from the heat which has been intense. Thank you for praying for us. And supporting us. Where we go, you go.


My namesake, Douglas, was born to Kahilu and Pastor Titus (not pictured) during our training last year. They call him Dougie!


Our outdoor classroom under a tree has been perfect, allowing us to enjoy whatever breezes have been blowing.


We had never seen a cashew tree. A young boy climbed one and shook down a couple of the cashew fruits for us. The juice was delicious! 


Our student and driver, Pastor Sitali, changes a flat tire with the help of this tree limb, a rather unusual jack!