"He picked me up, He washed me, He lifted me and placed me on a high place!" Zambian Praise Song
/The Lozi are a musical people. For them, singing is just a part of life. So, it's not surprising that every training session begins with music, can be interspersed with spontaneous singing, and ends with music. Western hymns sung in Lozi and Zambian praise songs are sung with equal gusto, and, much to our delight, are often accompanied by hand motions, dancing, and even acting out the words.
So, our mornings always begin with music, followed by Percy teaching on a Biblical View of Worship. This past week in Nangweshi, he taught on the responsibility of pastors and worship leaders to lead lifestyles of worship, setting the praise team and the church an example of lives characterized by their godly speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Timothy 4:12).
Abby spent the week teaching on Our Identity in Christ, grounding us in the new reality Jesus brings into our lives, the new state of being which requires a renewing of our minds to grasp and live from. Her teaching was refreshing and encouraging, reminding us how much Jesus changes everything, especially how we see ourselves and others.
I taught on The Importance of Submission in Ministry, laying the groundwork for a relational, mutual, and voluntary view of submission that strengthens our Christian community, and permeates our families, churches, businesses, schools, and citizenship. I contrasted this with "bad" submission which leads to servitude and unhealthy community.
This was our third trip to Nangweshi, and this has engendered trust and an easiness between us. Consequently, our discussions were deep, intimate, revealing, at times troubling, but always encouraging. It was a transformative learning experience for all of us.
Our students' ardent desire to apply the principles we taught to their specific struggles was remarkable. Personal and revealing stories were shared throughout the week, stories of betrayal and forgiveness, of conflict and struggle, of near death and escape, and even of a throne lost and salvation found!
Why do Abby, Percy and I get to do this? I don't know. But what kindness the Lord has shown us. What love he has demonstrated to us through our friendship, our students, and through your friendship, prayers and support! We are deeply grateful. We are humbled. And we are filled with joy!