“You preach like a Pentecostal!”
/Our two weeks in Lusaka were a marathon. Abby taught women’s groups in eight different churches (with some men sprinkled in), we both preached, Percy led worship, and we ate numerous meals with both pastors and Church of Central Africa (CCAP) Synod officials, including the General Secretary, Deputy General Secretary, Moderator Elect, Youth Coordinator, and Treasurer. The purpose of our visit was to introduce us, and especially Abby, to as many churches as possible, giving them and us a flavor of what our future training relationship will be like, and to prepare for Abby’s ordination by CCAP at the end of August. In all of these ways and more, the trip was a resounding success!
Our biggest question had been whether or not the CCAP needs what we have to offer, whether our theological perspective would be welcomed, and whether there’d be a strong sense of mutuality in our mission. All appear to be the case. So, as the days passed and we got to know people in leadership better, especially the Deputy General Secretary, Rev. Lloyd Mithi, who drove us and often translated for Abby, we felt more and more at peace with this new mission relationship. So, we’re very excited about moving forward.
In future years, Percy and we will spend two weeks teaching pastors in training at the Chasefu Theological College in Lundazi, Zambia, and two weeks teaching church planters, evangelists, pastors’ spouses, and pastors through our typical mobile training strategy in other areas of Zambia. So, four weeks annually is our commitment to CCAP, leaving the majority of our time free to continue training other pastors and leaders in Namibia and elsewhere in Zambia. As always, it will be the three of us working together as a team, focusing on each of our strengths.
Some words from the Rev. Sevatt Gladdens Kabaghe, General Secretary of CCAP, sum things up well:
“Having you for the past few days is a blessing to the…CCAP Synod of Zambia. Your work will always be treasured…As a Church, we would like to mention that you are welcome to walk alongside us. This is in line of developing the School of Excellency that we anticipate to grow so big and reach beyond central Africa. With your able team, we will reach the great heights to the glory of God…We invite Doug, Percy and yourself to be the beacon of this important vision to help the people realize the work of the Lord. May I also extend to other men and women in your organization to be part of the team…I will be so grateful to keep brainstorming together but we are ready to have you at all cost and experience the love of God together. I know with God all shall be well.”
As we close…Abby preached on our first Sunday here and was translated by the Moderator Elect, the Rev. Friday Kapasaka, who did an amazing job. She enjoyed it immensely and it was clear that they didn’t expect her down to earth and passionate style. Apparently, when other Presbyterian pastors have visited from the States, they’ve been a bit heady and dry in their approach. Imagine that! In any case, while we were enjoying a delicious lunch after worship, Friday commented, “You preached like a Pentecostal! I didn’t expect that.” Happily, that was a compliment and we all enjoyed a good laugh together.
Thank you again for your love, partnership and prayer support! And remember, where we go you go!
Abby taught groups of 15 to 35 women at eight different churches!
Small group or partnership breakouts are always effective.
Zambia is in the middle of a power crisis. Daily rolling eight hour blackouts mean sometimes teaching by phone lights!
Abby preached at the CCAP Munali congregation led by the Rev. Susan whose husband, the rev. Mcdonald, leads the Matero congregation.
Preaching like a pentecostal!
Moderator elect, the rev. Friday kapasaka (L) translated. deputy general secretary, the rev. Lloyd substone mithi (r), led worship.
The chawama congregation’s women’s group
The women’s group at the munali congregation, the rev. Susan’s church
The rev. Susan’s delightful mother sent us off with a prayer blessing!
The rev. Lloyd enjoying a ten minutes break
This beautiful young woman was standing by the road as we drove out from one of our trainings.
The kanyama CONGREGATION’S women’s group
Lunch clean up
The kamwala congregation’s women’s group
Children are always peering around corners to see what’s what.
Percy led intercessory prayer on the day doug preached at the kanyama congregation, the rev. Mithi’s church.
Dynamic jinny is a CCAP commissioned evangelist who is planting a church about 20 miles outside Lusaka. She is a widow.
A permanent welcome mat at the kanyama church entrance
God provided a spontaneous meeting with abby’s new sister, Abigail, which delighted them both!