Under A Tree Is the Best Place to Be!

The plan was simple. We'd leave Mongu, Zambia by 10am on Monday and get to Nangweshi, Zambia by 1pm, or 13 hrs as they say here. But, this is Africa, and one new tire, several stops to pick up items for our driver’s friends in Nangweshi, some loose lugnuts, a return to Mongu to have them tightened, a cold Coke and a few cookies later, we were finally on our way at 3pm (or 15 hrs)!

Well, it was worth it, to say the least. We drove into Nangweshi as a beautiful sunset unfolded, checked into our lovely lodge ($24/day for two rooms, meals included, with daily cleaning & turn-down service), and began teaching the next day. It’s been a truly fabulous week!

We're teaching Phase IV to students who have now become friends. We’ve spent, cumulatively, thirty-five days with them since 2017. This is our last round of training, and it's definitely a little bittersweet.

Abby's teaching on “The Christian Family,” and I’m focusing on “Church Planting.” As always, Percy Muleba has been doing a terrific job leading worship, translating, and directing us. The material has come together beautifully, and is challenging our students to the core.

Yesterday was Percy's forty-first birthday, and the class threw him a party in the afternoon. We had juice, crisps (potato chips), and biscuits (cookies), read a short Scripture, sang, and danced a lot. It was a blast! Happy birthday, Percy! We love you!

Please continue praying for us as we preach in different churches tomorrow, then resume training on Monday morning. Wednesday, we drive 3 hours to Katima Mulilo, Namibia where we'll teach Phase III to one group, Phase I to a new group, and meet with some Bushmen pastors in Chetto (2 hours drive) to discuss future training. It will be a full 2.5 weeks.

As always, we're so very grateful for your love and support. Where we go, you go with us!

We were disappointed when we were delayed leaving Mongu, but we sure enjoyed this beautiful sunset as we drove into nangweshi. Disappointment…His appointment!

We were disappointed when we were delayed leaving Mongu, but we sure enjoyed this beautiful sunset as we drove into nangweshi. Disappointment…His appointment!

Under a tree is the best place to train, especially during a heat wave. The shade is wonderful, and when the breezes come, as they did the last two days, it’s so refreshing.

Under a tree is the best place to train, especially during a heat wave. The shade is wonderful, and when the breezes come, as they did the last two days, it’s so refreshing.

WE'RE so proud to know such awesome zambian men! L to R: Percy, Martin, Sylvester, titus, and sitali, amazing pastors all!

WE'RE so proud to know such awesome zambian men! L to R: Percy, Martin, Sylvester, titus, and sitali, amazing pastors all!

The trees here are incredible, ESPECIALLY when mixed with the beautiful African light.

The trees here are incredible, ESPECIALLY when mixed with the beautiful African light.