Namibia Roundup!
/Where do students from Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Nigeria come together in one classroom? Why, in Katima Mulilo, Namibia, of course!
We just completed nine days of training with a great group of students representing these four countries. They were committed, responsive and eager to learn. We were graciously hosted by Pastor Yumba and Believers Fellowship, and were joined by students from two other churches, Rise & Shine, and Loud Cry Ministries.
Over the nine days, Abby taught "Discipleship: Being, Becoming and Doing," "The Wounded Healer," and "Family Systems." I taught "Our Common Creation, Common Problem, and Common Solution" (based on Genesis 1-3), and "Understanding the Bible." Percy Muleba added several sessions on "Developing A Biblical View of Worship."
We were also able to give our students copies of the Global Study Bible due to the generosity of Crossway Books via our mission organization, Global Training Network. This Bible uniquely offers articles and footnotes that take into account the Developing World's issues.
During the week, we were hosted for lovely lunches by several of our students, by Joyce (with another student, Sue, and their friend, Agnes), by Chi Chi & Bernard, and by Admire & Memory. These opportunities to get to know our students were fantastic. We can't wait to build on these relationships in our training next August!
We worshipped both Sundays at Believers Fellowship. What a delightful congregation! Doug was privileged to preach both Sundays on "The Fivefold Purpose of the Church" based on Acts 2:42-47 and "The Fivefold Characteristics of the Church" based on John 20:19-23.
We are grateful for the privilege of working with such great people. Thank you for supporting us and for praying for us. Where we go, you go!
Please pray for a good end to our trip, along with safe and uneventful travel. We are already missing our dear friend and GTN colleague, Percy Muleba, and his family!
We fly to the UK tomorrow to visit our friend and fellow missionary, Cheri Contes, and her two great kids, Hannah and Evan. They are helping launch a new church in Wolverhampton where Doug will preach on Sunday! We then fly home next Monday.