Mission: The Times They Are A-Changin'!
/For the last several hundred years, mission has flowed from the West to the East/South. Yet, over the last fifty years, Christianity has begun to wane in the West. The mission flow has begun to reverse, moving from the East/South to the West. God's Kingdom never stops growing!
Today, more than 75% of the world's Christians live in the Majority World (non-Western). The church is exploding in places like Southern Africa where we do most of our training. And the Christians in places like South America, Asia and Africa, who are the fruit of the West's mission work, are now becoming missionaries themselves to the West. What goes around comes around!
One such missionary is Pastor Percy Muleba from Zambia, our dear friend, brother and colleague, who will be arriving in NC on February 2nd and will be in the States for twelve weeks!
Pastor Percy is coming as a missionary, Bible teacher and worship leader who is hoping to strengthen and expand his Mission Support Team while he is here.
To welcome Pastor Percy, we are holding an open House on Saturday, February 10th from 7-9pm at our home (151 Spring Grove Drive, Mooresville, NC). We'd love for you to attend.
Please RSVP to Doug and Abby at: dkvinez@gmail.com.
And, please pray that Percy's time in the States will be a fruitful time of mission and of building his mission support team!